Turn Your Marriage Around in 30 Days
Are you feeling disconnected, stuck in a rut, or lonely in your marriage?
Are you constantly walking on eggshells?
Find out what 30 of the top marriage experts on the planet recommend you do to get unstuck and reignite the spark in your relationship in 30 days or less!

Are You Nervous That The Spark In Your Relationship Is Fading, And It Might Not Ever Come Back?

Has the playfulness been replaced by scrolling on your phone and binging Netflix?

Are "deep" conversations rare? Now all you talk about is kids, logistics, and problems?

Is sex happening less and less often? Is it feeling predictable, repetitive, or... boring?
Have You Ever Secretly Asked Yourself,
"Did I Marry The Wrong Person?"
This was my worst nightmare!
My name is Nate Bagley, since I was young, I was terrified that I'd get married to the love of my life... then my relationship would end up stuck in Roommate Syndrome.
That we'd end up constantly walking on eggshells around each other...
We'd stop having sex, and the passion would fade without explanation...
We'd end up constantly arguing about stupid things all the time...
Or that we'd "grow apart" and end up stuck in a lifeless marriage...
So, when I finally got married, I decided to make Roommate-proof my relationship!

What If You Could Eradicate Roommate Syndrome?
I reached out to 30 of the most respected marriage experts in the world and asked them this question:
Hey, <Marriage Guru>!
Their Responses Blew Me Away!
It Could Save You:
Decades Of Frustration And Heartache...
Thousands Of Dollars In Therapy...
Hours Of "Working On Your Marriage"...

TRUTH BOMB: The quality of your marriage isn't determined by how you feel, or what you know... it's determined by WHAT YOU DO!
Your marriage's success hinges on whether or not you're willing to consistently do the the little things that truly matter!


Let Me Introduce You To The
Are We Roommates? Experts!

These Marriage Experts Will Show You How To Turn A Struggling Marriage Around...
These Marriage Experts Will Show You How To Take Your Relationship From Ordinary To Extraordinary!
Now, if there's one thing I've learned being in the marriage business since 2012, it's that when I give stuff away for free, people don't use it.
Whether it's tickets to an event, access to a course, or admission to a high-level program, when people get access for free, they don't show up, follow through, or take action.
Even if what they have access to will literally transform their marriage for the better.
And there's a reason for this!
They don't have any skin in the game.
I don't want that to happen to you.
Because, at the end of the day, the only thing I care about is helping you get results.
And you cannot get results unless you take action.
So, I'm going to give you free access to the Are We Roommates Summit...
But I have a condition! I'm implementing a deadline.
You'll have access to these interviews for 3 days.
That's 3 full days to make it through 30 interviews. So use your time wisely, cause once that 72 hour period is over, the videos are gone, poof, bye bye!
Why am I doing it like this?
This is literally the only way you will succeed.
When you have the pressure of a deadline looming over you, you have something to lose… you either act or you miss out... and this increases the likelihood you'll show up and then implement what you learn.
I want you to get the most out of this Summit, so here's what I want you to do:
During the 24-hour window when each interview is live, I want you to block off your calendar, eliminate distractions from you life (as best you can), and set aside some time to study.

Take notes.
Absorb as much as you can.
Visualize what the future could look like for you.
And, of course, make your own action plan!
And then, I want you to go put what you learn into practice! When you close the gap between what you KNOW and what you DO you unlock your potential, and you get incredible results.
I want you to be an action-taker, not just an insight-chaser.
This is going to take some serious commitment on your part... maybe even some sacrifices.
But if you're willing to go all-in on this, I'm willing to give it to you for free.
I cannot WAIT to see how this goes for you.
One little idea, tip, or principle could literally change your life.
See you soon!
P.S. Let me break this down for you one last time...
When you register for the Are We Roommates summit (for free!), you’ll get access (for free!) to all the interviews with 30 of the greatest marriage experts alive today. They’re sharing how they would completely turn their marriage around if they felt like it was drifting into – or stuck in – Roommate Syndrome. You’ll learn how transform YOUR marriage as well, and never get stuck in Roommate Syndrome again.
I hope you can make it!
All you need to do is register right now:
What People Are Saying
I wouldn't have guessed that I would get so much out of this topic. In fact I almost didn't sign up. How could there be that much to say about roommate syndrome? I'm pleasantly shocked. And actually more optimistic than I've been in a long time. thank you very much.
This summit could not have come at a better time in my life... All the speakers and you have helped me do so much self reflecting and helped me take accountability for my own actions and habits but also left me feeling validated in my emotions on some of the events that I have experienced along the way.
Excellent interviews! Each presenter has brought new insight, fresh ideas and perspectives that we have found most helpful and inspiring. Wow!!! Thank you, thank you again. thank you for assembling this incredible group of wise, thoughtful people.
This summit has been AWESOME! You promised to over deliver and you have! Thank you so much for the work you do!
Thank you! Love the theme of the summit, and we are really enjoying the interviews we have seen so far!
Thank you so much for putting this together! I'm really excited to put some of these into action!
I started crying as I listened to Laura doyle. I had NO idea that my specific issues were so common. It was like she was reading my mind and telling me everything I needed to hear to have hope that my marriage can get better! Now I just need to do the hard, humbling work.
Just want to say thank you for putting together this summit. I found it so helpful and full of good ideas.
I especially want to tell you how much I appreciate that you offered it for free.
Thank you again!
There was so much to love about Day 2, but I also really loved y our conversation with Sam Whitney. Kinda mind-blowing. Wow to your interviewing skills, Nate. The way you dig deeper and ask for clarification and bring so much energy. Love it.
I'm so grateful to you and all the work you've done to organize and arrange. it all for us!
I'm enjoying the summit; thanks for putting it together!
Thanks so much for the awesome summit! So much great information I plan to put into action!
I've been waking up at 3am in the morning so I wouldn't lose the opportunity to listen.
I absolutely loved all. of them and yes it was amazing. I was in awe most of. the sessions and thoroughly loved the content and I am 100% in the room mate position and have been way too long. You and your colleagues have inspired me to at and continue to progress in my personal journey.
A heartfelt thank you to you and everyone.
My husband and I are watching your videos together. We purchased lifetime access so we are still on Day 1 videos, but we really enjoyed your buddy Craig Smith and your take home, "Be a student of your partner." Thanks!!!
A huge thank you for your help. We have learned so much from you and the presenters - and we've been married 30 years! Constantly learning and growing...!
With much appreciation for the important work you are doing in helping couples to be at their best for each other through the good times and the worst of times. Works in progress! Thank you.